ich bin in so einer stimmung. eine antony and the johnsons stimmung. in der kommen geschichten aus der kindheit, erzählungen von liebe und anmutungen von poesie vor. während ich auf die ubahn warte, finde ich im ipod eine liveaufnahme von einem konzert, das antony vor längerem in schweden gab. als zugabe spielt er ein lied mit dem namen „dream about who you are“. nachdem er die titelzeile einige male samtig ins mikrophon gesungen hat, fängt er an zu erzählen. und was er da erzählt ist so wunderschön, dass ich es für euch transkribiert habe.
i’ve been doing this thing recently where i’ve been imagining myself in the future, talking to myself in the present. say i’m 36 right now. i can go and visit my seven year old me, and say: (whispers) „i love you.“ then you listen and then there’s gonna be a seven year old who’s gonna say „what was that? wait a minute. what was that message?“.
but you can do it for yourself today because i never get that message clear. you know what i mean? so think a hundred years into the future. when your spirit is somewhere else completely in a great place. and that person’s still calling out to you: (whispers) „i love you, you’re so great“. you need that message.
so let’s just try that. imagine yourself a hundred years in the future. your spirit has tranformed. what is the most beautiful thing you can possibly imagine? the first thing in your mind? that’s it. keep it in your mind. that’s what you gonna be in a hundred years. so that person, that thing has a little mouth or a speaking ability, and it comes back as a ghost and visits you and says: (whispers) „i love you“.
it’s so great. you can try it. try it at home.