“Entertaining and brief” is good advice no matter which method you choose for presenting difficult information. Done artfully, the reader should never sense that he’s being told anything. It was just story. To that end, avoid scenes which could be summarized, “Hero learns…” That’s a tip-off that your character is listening rather seeking, observing rather than participating. “Discovering” is an action. So are “confronting,” “exploring,” and “testing.” Put your characters to work, and the audience will never realize they’re getting an explanation.
Hierzulande kommt man ja eher nicht in die Verlegenheit, schwierige physikalische Sachverhalte in Sci Fi Drehbüchern oder in Abenteuer/Mystery/Fantasy Genres erklären zu müssen. Die Budgets sind einfach zu klein für solche Filme. Aber vielleicht ist der Artikel des amerikanischen Autors John August dennoch für einige AutorInnen nützlich, denn die Anweisung „Keep it short. No, even shorter than that“ kann ja kaum schaden.