
nochwas zur finanzkrise, genaugenommen zum bankrott der lehmann bank:

„You made all this money by taking risks with other people’s money,“ Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., the panel’s chairman, said. „The system worked for you, but it didn’t seem to work for the rest of the country and the taxpayers, who now have to pay $700 billion to bail out our economy.“

A subdued Fuld opened his testimony declaring, „I take full responsibility for the decisions that I made and for the actions that I took,“ but he conceded no errors or misjudgments in the chaotic period that led to the firm’s bankruptcy.

And he said a compensation system that he estimated paid him about $350 million between 2000 and 2007 even as the company headed for disaster was appropriate.


in dem artikel steht auch, dass es bei lehmann kürzlich zu einem zwischenfall im firmeneigenen fitnesscenter kam. ein mitarbeiter legte kurz seine hanteln ab, um fuld, der gerade auf dem laufband trainierte, in die zockerfresse zu hauen.

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