Recently I had a discussion with a guy. He thought it was not important to “gender” the German language according to male/female expressions. (Maybe this is hard to comprehend in English, so here is an explanation).
Anyways, the guy said it is all about mutual respect. While I consider this important as well, I still think that we should use language in a respectful way, because in my opinion language is an image of real life. But though this post is not about gender-relevant language, the discussion with that guy reminded me of something else.
A friend of mine, Nicola von Leffern, recently emailed me the link to a speech by Joss Whedon. I already knew it, but I had never shared it here on my blog. It is about the question why he writes strong female characters. From min. 6:25 it gets really interesting.
And it also reminded me on this interview with George R.R. Martin, author of GAME OF THRONES:
Thank you for your attention.
p.s.: For everyone living in Vienna: From Nov.22nd to 24th there is a seminar at the Drehbcuhforum about Focus On Characters – Writing the Heroine’s Story with Helen Jacey. Join in!