The New York Times asked oscar winning cinematographer Janusz Kaminski to direct 11 scenes (or rather: vignettes) with outstanding actresses. The result is really great. Here you can watch the Making Of of the shortfilm project, that was produced for the New York Times film issue. And here is an article about the future development of cinema.
The Moment.
This has nothing to do with screenwriting, I just think that this photo is freaking fantastic: Ingmar Bergman on the set of JAWS. Here you can read a bit about the backstory of the photo.
Hooray, Recipies!
“Formula movies” is a term for films that always use the same structure and plot devices. here you have a beautiful visualization for the most common movie genres. (If you click on the image it will lead you to an article with a bigger version of the illustration). I tried to find the source of the illustration which I found …
Watchlist: Web Series
There are lots of web series on the internet these days, and how you get them financed is still a mystery in most cases. But what was I going to tell you? Oh, yes! Flavorwire is presenting 10 web series to watch. Some videos don’t work here in Austria, but there is one I did not know before and I …
Video: Weekend At The Beach
I know you always wanted to see Jean-Luc Godard in swimming trunks, Wim Wenders fully clothed (including suspenders) and Heiner Müller reading a book at a beach in California. Here you go: Personally I think the video is rather mediocre until the film cuts away from the adults at 6:57 mins and shows the kids… :-) Oh, and whoever is …